
for soprano & cello | 5’30”

Video Recording

Tabitha Burchett, soprano
Meghan Lyda, cello
Auer Hall
Bloomington, IN
March 24, 2018

World Premiere

Rachel Mikol, soprano
Will Rowe, cello
Recital Hall
Bloomington, IN
March 22, 2016

Commissioned by

Sarah Wilkins for
Exploring the intersection of cello and poetry

Lyrics by Ernest Hilbert

I ran my kite till it gulled at the sun,
And from the newfound flight it took
Command as much as I, and trained
My arm toward the sky, and strained
The armature of spreaders, spar, and knock.
It threw its silhouette against the sun,
Then bowed blue before a berm of cloud,
And set itself against a greater blue.
It swooped, twisted my wrists, and grew
To be too strong, as nervy as a bird
Of prey, a winged but featherless
Raptor I once held, now spun
Away and unbearable to possess,
A thing apart; though still tethered,
Fatherless, and finally unfathered.

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